Monday, April 02, 2007

Dental Practice Artwork

Hi everyone,

I truly feel that growing a dental practice in a community requires the obvious effort of the dentist and dental staff. However, I've come to realize the tremendous contribution from our associated professionals (the pharmacist, physician, chiropractor, and allied health in our building) and our patients.

Our patients have been great with the personal referrals (Thanks!) and the artwork given for display:
A nice sculpture (from Danny)
A fantastic mounted photo (from Paolo-displayed at the side. If you are interested in his work, I can put you in contact with him)

Thanks again, and take care,


Hans Skariah, B.Sc., DMD
Promenade Court Dental Health Group in Mississauga
2233 Hurontario St., Mississauga, ON, Canada
(1/2 km north of the QEW in the Dome Building)
(905) 273-7100