
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Dental Treatment During Pregnancy

There was a great article in the September 2006 issue of Oral Health (Ontario Dental Association), relating to when dental treatment could/should be done on pregnant women.

The following is a chart taken from the article:

Recommended Timetable (Treatment Protocol) for the Management of Oral Health During Pregnancy
1st Trimester: Treatment may be limited due to morning sickness. Only emergency treatment should be rendered during this period.
2nd Trimester: This is the safest period to perform any necessary dental treatment. Pregnant women should be advised to consult their prenatal care providers about the use of anesthetics and medications.
3rd Trimester: Professional evaluation is necessary. Treatment may be impeded due to increased physical discomfort.

References: Gajendra S and Kumar J, Oral Health and Pregnancy: A Review, Oral Health, Sep 2006, Vol 96, No 9, pgs 81-88. Originally adapted from both the oral health topics area (consumer) from the Academy of General Dentistry and the American Dental Association (1998)-Pregnancy and Oral Health Brochure.

Hans Skariah, B.Sc., DMD
Promenade Court Dental Health Group in Mississauga
2233 Hurontario St., Mississauga, ON, Canada
(1/2 km north of the QEW in the Dome Building)
(905) 273-7100