
Monday, March 14, 2005

The Sad State of Canadian Dental Schools

Hello all,

Sometimes I pause and think about looming shortage of dentists (already acute in rural areas like the one I work in). Dental students have to pay almost obscene tuition fees (in some cases over $40 000 a year) while the dental schools they study in are on the verge of bankruptcy. An increase in funding is very much needed.

The Globe and Mail (you may have to register to read the article) had a great article on this, I was particularly struck by the fact that some students have debt loads exceeding $150 ooo! In addition, the compensation rates for external dentists who supervise clinic students (our future dentists and surgeons) are in the $100-150 per day range. We pay almost everyone in health care more per day...very frustrating and illogical.

Will our government (both federal and provincial) please step up to the plate?

Take care! :)
Hans Skariah, B.Sc., DMD